Nova Zelândia 🇳🇿

Fonte: Youbianku
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Esta é a página de Nova Zelândia código postal. Esta página inclui o seguinte conteúdo: Método de Código, Exemplo de Envelope e Formato de Endereço, o modo de escrever o código postal corretamente, link de referência para consultas de código postal.

Nova Zelândia

Exemplo de Envelope

Nova Zelândia.jpg

método de codificação

Nova Zelândia usa códigos de quatro dígitos numéricos

6 0 1 1

Os dois primeiros dígitos especificar a área, o terceiro dígito especifica o tipo de parto (rua, PO Box, Private Bag, ou entrega Rural), eo último dígito especifica o lobby específico, RD número (entrega rural), ou subúrbio.

formato de endereço

Códigos postais são obrigatórios para utilização por utentes granel.

Uma distinção deve ser feita entre quatro tipos de endereço de acordo com o tipo de parto:

  • home delivery;
  • delivery to PO Box;
  • delivery to private bag;
  • rural deliveries.


Jollys Jewellery
236 Majoribanks Street
Mount Victoria

Modos de entrega

In cities and large towns, the last two digits indicate one of the four modes of delivery, as illustrated by addresses in Palmerston North:

  • Address (geography), in which mail is delivered directly to homes by the 'postie';
43 Vogel Street
Palmerston North 4414
  • Post office box, in which mail is delivered to a private box, usually at a Post Shop (formerly Post Office), for collection;
PO Box 400
Palmerston North Central
Palmerston North 4440
  • Private Bag, in which a private mail bag is delivered to an organisation such as a large company or a government department
Private Bag 11222
Manawatu Mail Centre
Palmerston North 4442
  • Rural Letter Carrier, used in rural areas for home deliveries.
Railway Road
RD 10
Palmerston North 4470


Under the new system, some suburbs in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch now either have their own postcode, or share one with fewer suburbs. For example, whereas the old postcode 1003 covered Epsom, New Zealand, Mount Eden, and Mount Albert, New Zealand, these suburbs now have separate postcodes from one another.

6 Ferryhill Road
Auckland 1023
2 Avenham Walk
Mount Eden
Auckland 1024
3 Laurel Sreet
Mount Albert
Auckland 1025

PostShop lobbies

Each PostShop lobby now has its own postcode. Under the old system, some covered several PO Box or Private Bag number ranges in the same city, for example, whereas 1730 was used for several PO Box number ranges in South Auckland, each now has its own postcode:

PO Box 51000
Manukau 2140
Private Bag 76912
Manukau City
Manukau 2241
PO Box 38234
Manukau 2145

Repartição de códigos postais

Here below is a table that - for each first postcode digit - indicates in which Regions of New Zealand:

Code prefix Regions
0 Northland, parts of Auckland
1 Auckland
2 Auckland, Waikato
3 Bay of Plenty, Waikato
4 Gisborne, Hawke's Bay, Taranaki, Manawatu-Wanganui
5 Wellington
6 Wellington
7 Tasman, Nelson, Marlborough, West Coast, Canterbury
8 Canterbury
9 Otago, Southland

Previous system

Although postcodes were first introduced in New Zealand in 1977, these were used entirely for pre-sorting large volumes of mail in bulk, similar to the Mailsort system used by Royal Mail in the United Kingdom. Consequently, post codes were not usually seen in addresses:

New Zealand Post
Private Bag 39990
Wellington Mail Centre
Lower Hutt

Under the old system, Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch were divided into postal zones, which were incorporated into the post code system for use in bulk mailings. For example, for the former Wellington 4:

Flat 2
173 Park Road
Wellington 6004

In cities and large towns, the last two digits indicated the mode of delivery, as illustrated by addresses in Palmerston North:

Street address:

43 Vogel Street
Palmerston North 5301

Post Office Box address:

P O Box 4000
Palmerston North 5315

Private Bag address

Private Bag 11222
Palmerston North 5320

Rural Delivery address

Railway Road
R D 10
Palmerston North 5321

NB: Prior to the changeover, New Zealand Post also required that a space was inserted between the letters 'P' and 'O' in 'PO Box' or 'R' and 'D' in 'RD'.

nomes Māori

New Zealand Post recognises Māori names for cities and towns in New Zealand; for example, the Māori Language Commission's address is:

Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori
Pouaka Poutāpeta 411
Te Whanganui a Tara 6140

In English language, this translates as:

Māori Language Commission
PO Box 411
Wellington 6140

In spite of the considerable difference between the two languages, there was no need to add the post code under the old system, which in this case would have been 6015.


Mail to Members of the New Zealand Parliament is delivered free of charge for individuals (organisations must pay regular rates). The cost is deducted from the Member's budget.

Rt Hon John Key
Prime Minister of New Zealand
Private Bag 18888
Parliament Buildings
Wellington 6160

Other Freepost mail includes a unique number as well as the PO Box or Private Bag number:

Freepost 112002
PO Box 913
Dunedin 9054

Registradas de terceiros operadores postais

Até recentemente post NZ teve a maioria de influência sobre aluguel de Box Privado. Mas agora DX e Box Mail Private fornecer uma solução alternativa para as pessoas que precisam de um endereço de caixa de controle remoto. Junto com o novos concorrentes no mercado Post NZ pode achar que é difícil manter-se com o novo sistema de endereçamento, que é por isso que eles estabeleceram um padrão para lidar com e-mail.

Links de referência

Links de Referência